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Even Animals have Gods

February 16, 2019

Imagine it. She is running, running from wolfs made of clouds and fog. A knife in her grip and she’s running, in an afternoon that heads itself towards darkness, in fields its hills resemble a stormed sea. Feet wobble, breath cuts itself before reaching lungs, and still, pace is key, unrelenting. Imagine it, the hill steeper with every step taken, wind punching, beasts grunting between the space of her jawline and the lobe of her ears: she hears them. Pace is key. At the top of the hill, there’s a tree, she crashes into it, breathless but embracing. Knife in grip goes deep in wood, tree bleeds honey. Beasts howl. Sun is long gone, but the warmth of its last kiss still has the sky enchanted. Honey floods from the breach, she is just an insect getting intoxicated, drowning in delight while the trees swallow her up, little by little. Beasts still howl, they did it. Sacrifice got celebrated for their God. Because who says Animals do not have Gods fro which to sere them sacrifice ?

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